Color Guard is a special team comprised of four cadets - two rifle bearers, National flag bearer, and Organizational flag bearer. Together the members of this team must work as a team to present the colors at school functions, special ceremonies, and competes in competitive drill meets against Lee County School District Schools as well as other districts.
Instructors: SSG Brown
Color Guard Commander: CPT Victoria Lockhart
Primary duties are:
Train members of the Color Guard.
Represent the cadet battalion at activities as directed by the cadet battalion commander, cadet battalion XO, or the instructors.
Coordinate uniform, Flag, and weapon requirements with the S-4.
Schedule competition for the Color Guard; coordinate these activities with the S-3 and the cadet battalion training schedule.
Inspect uniform and personal appearance of Color Guard members.
Be thoroughly familiar with FM 22-5 and CCR 145-2.
Practice Schedules
Color Guard: Mondays and Thursdays 1400-1530
Color Guard
Members: Jadiah Estep, Jose Camis, Victoria Lockhart, Marianelis Viera-Resto